Sustainable office spaces
through smart space planning &
flexible workplace booking

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since 2015 with ReCoTech
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since 2015 with ReCoTech
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15 years of experience on the market

Our services at a glance

Area planning

Efficient space utilization drives businesses forward: Optimize your office spaces with ReCoTech software and identify potential savings to reduce operating costs and lower CO2 emissions.

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Workplace booking

Know what's happening in your company: ReCoTech workspace booking provides structure in a flexible work environment. Keep track through the app and see whether your spaces are used efficiently through occupancy analyses.

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From heatmaps to simulations: Smart monitoring provides clear insights. Utilize detailed reports and comprehensive analyses to make informed, data-driven decisions in space planning and workspace management.

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Smart extensions

For tailored functionality: Integrate ReCoTech software into existing IT infrastructures to adapt our product to your needs – from digital parking space booking and sensor technology to seamless integration via API.

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District Office Charl.-Wilm. von Berlin: More efficient use of space with cost reduction
Case Studies
Area planning Workplace booking Smart extensions

In an administrative complex with multiple office buildings, the number of employees needed to be reduced, and precise occupancy analysis conducted. How was space consolidation achieved?

View Case Study
Stadtwerke Düsseldorf: New open spaces and New Work structures
Case Studies
Area planning Monitoring Workplace booking

The goal of a municipal company: resolving fragmented vacancies and creating new open space for workspaces following the principles of New Work. How much saving potential was identified?

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BOMBARDIER: Symbiosis of space and project structures
Case Studies
Workplace booking Area planning Monitoring

The workflow of an independent company was driven by projects that continually changed the operational structures. In addition, approximately 250 more office spaces needed to be accommodated in the main building to reduce external rentals. How was the optimization implemented?

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CO2/Cost Calculator

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Entscheidungen auf solider Grundlage

Das Flächengutachten von ReCoTech

Im Gebäudemanagement fehlt es oft an klaren Daten, was zu ineffizienter Flächennutzung und vermeidbaren Kosten führt. Das Flächengutachten von ReCoTech schafft Transparenz, indem es aufzeigt, wie Ihre Räume tatsächlich genutzt werden und wo Optimierungspotenziale liegen.

Mit einer detaillierten Analyse und faktenbasierten Empfehlungen helfen wir Ihnen, unnötige Ausgaben wie zusätzliche Anmietungen oder Umbauten zu vermeiden. Gleichzeitig schaffen Sie Planungssicherheit und setzen Ihre Ressourcen effizient ein. Vertrauen Sie auf belastbare Daten, um Ihre Flächen optimal zu nutzen und langfristig wirtschaftlich zu handeln.

Startschuss: Flächenoptimierung

Das sind Ihre Vorteile mit ReCoTech

All information at a glance

Frequently asked questions

Efficient Space Utilization with Professional Space Audits: Challenges and Solutions

Efficient Space Utilization with Professional Space Audits: Challenges and Solutions

The management of buildings and spaces is a central task for every organization, whether in government agencies, businesses, or educational ...

04.11.2024 News
Activity Based Working in Practice: Experiences, Challenges, and Solutions

Activity Based Working in Practice: Experiences, Challenges, and Solutions

Introduction In a constantly evolving and increasingly interconnected work environment, companies are seeking innovative ways to boost productivity, enhance employee ...

01.11.2024 News
Optimized Office Space at Bombardier Transportation: Flexible Solutions for Growing Demands

Optimized Office Space at Bombardier Transportation: Flexible Solutions for Growing Demands

Bombardier Transportation GmbH, a global leader in rail technology, faced the challenge of making office space more efficient to meet ...

01.11.2024 News
Hasso Plattner Institute Utilizes ReCoTech Software for Transparent Occupancy Planning

Hasso Plattner Institute Utilizes ReCoTech Software for Transparent Occupancy Planning

We are very pleased to welcome the Hasso Plattner Institute as a new partner at ReCoTech. As one of Germany's ...

01.11.2024 News
Efficient Office Space Planning at Düsseldorf Utilities: From Vacancies to Flexible Workspaces

Efficient Office Space Planning at Düsseldorf Utilities: From Vacancies to Flexible Workspaces

Düsseldorf Utilities, in partnership with ReCoTech, embarked on a comprehensive project to optimize their office space. The aim of this ...

01.11.2024 News
Welcome City of Bayreuth

Welcome City of Bayreuth

We are extremely pleased to welcome the City of Bayreuth as a new partner at ReCoTech. Bayreuth, a city full ...


We are happy to provide personal consultation

Your contact person

Hesham Kashkari
Chief Sales Officer
+49 178 8283710

ReCoTech GmbH

Jüdenstr. 50
10178 Berlin
+49 (30) 120 850 990