Utilizing sensor technology


Creating future-proof spaces with smart sensors

Sensortechnik die als smarte Erweiterung der ReCoTech Software an der Decke in einem Büroraum installiert wurde.

Digitalization at all levels: What sets modern offices apart from standard offices is the use of sensor technology. Once the technology is integrated into the building, it opens up numerous possibilities for productively optimizing spaces.

Equip your office with senors and make the invisible transparent – from the air quality in the room to the space utilization of areas away from the bookable workstations. Sensor data paves the way to the best possible office environment: with sensibly used and therefore sustainable spaces that promote productivity.

All room dimensions at a glance via sensor

Office spaces with sensor technology in practice

Piktogramm, das einen Austausch von Sensordaten symbolisiert.

Automated data collection

The basis for structured space optimization: Sensors record movement in the office building anonymously and thus provide you with valuable information on space usage – the best basis for supporting office planning with arguments.


Not all office spaces are designed for activity-based working. Use sensor technology to analyze utilization in areas that exist independently of workplace bookings – such as coffee kitchens or break rooms.

Piktogramm, dass smarte Gebäudetechnik visualisiert.

Smart building technology

Lighting, ventilation or heating: If technical building systems are connected to sensors, energy consumption and the indoor climate regulate themselves. In this way, sensors help you to reduce operating costs and achieve sustainability goals.


Highlights & features of smart sensor technology

Mann mit Tablet, der einen Gang im Büro entlang geht und auf einen Bildschirm rechts neben ihm blickt, der Sensordaten visualisiert.Sensortechnik_02_OVERLAY
Offices with sensor technology are the working environments of the future.

Supplement optimization tools

Whether as a basis for area planning or as a supplement to workplace booking: Sensor technology is the perfect addition to the functional portfolio of ReCoTech tools. New to the field? Contact us: We will be happy to give you a personal introduction to sensor technology – tailored to your individual questions and requirements.

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Close windows automatically

A plus point in terms of safety and sustainability: The sensor technology checks whether windows are open at the end of regular working hours – and can close them if necessary.

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Cancel incorrect bookings

Sensors as a digital organizational aid: A single cubicle is reserved, but is still not being used? Sensor technology recognizes when a blocked room remains empty and can cancel the booking for further use.

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Activate individual notifications

From air quality to occasional movement: The sensors register as soon as the oxygen content in the room falls below a certain level or employees have been sitting at their desks for a long time – and can inform about it via push message in the ReCoTech app.

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Protect personal data

Sensors record movement patterns and room usage without requiring employees’ personal information. In this way, sensor technology helps companies, authorities and public institutions to securely collect anonymized data for space optimization.

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We are happy to provide personal consultation

Your contact person

Hesham Kashkari
Chief Sales Officer

+49 178 8283710

ReCoTech GmbH

Jüdenstr. 50
10178 Berlin

+49 (30) 344 083 022