
How can workplace automation improve workplace booking?

How can workplace automation improve workplace booking?

Automated processes exist everywhere to simplify everyday tasks. Under the term workplace automation, this concept is gaining more and more importance – after all, the requirements for efficient workflows are increasing in order to create future-oriented and attractive office environments. Tools such as digital workplace booking, which can be further optimized with the help of workplace automation strategies, are an essential part of this change.

Workplace automation and workplace management: The status quo

It started with the first machine: If we look at the beginning of workplace automation, the industrial revolution with the exchange of human and machine work is the starting point. In the meantime, automation in the workplace has become much more differentiated and far removed from the fear that the increased use of technology will jeopardize jobs.

On the contrary: Machine automation – from an out-of-office notification by email to AI – is being integrated into existing processes in order to provide support and save time.

Systems and tools that promote workplace automation are therefore the key to a modern working environment – as confirmed by a recently published study by gefma and Lünendonk & Hossenfelder. The best example therefor are software programs that support flexible desk-sharing concepts and digitize desk booking.

It is self-explanatory: By making complex arrangements visible in digital form, workplace booking tools have become an integral part of transparent workplace management which includes hybrid structures with home office and office days.

Automated workplace booking: The next step

At company level, workplace booking software is therefore part of productive workplace automation. At a deeper level, these tools themselves offer the potential to perform better through smart automation and thus make everyday work processes more efficient. Important examples of this are

  • Simplifying recurring structures: From serial bookings to regular home office times – automation reduces repetitive booking actions to a single click.
  • Give personalized recommendations: Machine learning in action. Do you always need the same technology in the conference room? The tool recognizes your preferences and suggests appropriate bookings directly.
  • Link other office areas: Parking spaces or charging stations for electric vehicles can also be integrated into the workplace booking software – turning the tool into an all-in-one solution in the spirit of workplace automation.
  • Monitor resource usage: If the booking app automatically generates utilization analyses and statistics, the software contributes to the sustainable and more efficient use of the workplace.
  • Integrate smart extensions: Automation also means using technology to simplify communication channels. For example, if digital workplace booking enables direct communication via chat, it is easy to make short-term arrangements regarding room allocations.

The clear result: Automation at software level reduces the burden on employees and frees up time resources. At the same time, standardized processes significantly improve the user experience. The more diverse the workplace booking system is, the greater its positive contribution to optimizing the entire corporate culture through workplace automation.

Automate individuality profitably: The goal

When implementing workplace automation in workplace management, one factor is crucial: No two companies are the same. This is why a standard workplace booking tool can contain as many AI-supported features or integration options as you like: If the program setup is not aligned with the company’s internal structure, the range of functions is inadequate or even redundant.

Agile workplace booking tools that reflect the individual needs of a company in their technological features are therefore the way to achieve this goal – a strategy that ReCoTech attaches great importance to. Would you like to take the step towards workplace automation and have specific requirements for your workplace booking software? We are happy to provide council and find a customized solution that best supports your corporate culture.

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