
An end to wasted space: Schleswig-Holstein plans saving measures

An end to wasted space: Schleswig-Holstein plans saving measures

In the Energy Transition and Climate Protection Act, Schleswig-Holstein committed to reducing government office space per person by 20% by 2035. But the federal state is pushing the pace: As the cabinet decided in an implementation paper, at least 20% of office space and 10% of total administrative space is now to be reduced by 2030.

Smart area management: Space reduction comes earlier than planned

Germany’s northernmost state government is focusing on innovation: Efficient use of space, modern workplace organization and flexible time models are at the top of the government’s agenda in the coming years. The goal: to save at least 20% of office space and 10% of total space by 2030. In doing so, the government is going beyond the requirements of the Energiewende- und Klimaschutzgesetz (Energy Transition and Climate Protection Act), which had planned implementation by 2035.

The state government commissioned the Ministry of Finance to coordinate the process. The plan is for the departments to work together with the Gesellschaft für Gebäudemanagement und -service Schleswig-Holstein (GMSH, Facility Management and Service Company) to develop ways in which they can use and save space even more efficiently.

Smart savings: Measures for implementation have been defined

As a first step, those responsible are focusing on the so-called Zentrales Grundvermögen für Behördenunterbringung (ZGB, Central Property for Government Accommodation). According to the government, the ZGB’s office space accounts for the largest proportion of the state-owned properties. In addition to the State Chancellery, this also includes the ministries and their subordinate departments.

The measures planned so far to implement the reduction in office space include:

  • Development of space-efficient room concepts
  • Implementation of contemporary work organizations, working time models and forms
  • Adaptation of the manual for the realization of building projects in the state of Schleswig-Holstein
  • Promotion of cooperation in the area of public administration
  • Coordination of office space utilization, taking into account flexibly usable components of the state properties

Together with Hamburg, Schleswig-Holstein is setting a good example in terms of climate protection – in stark contrast to the federal government, as the Bundesrechnungshof (Federal Court of Audit) stated in a report in April 2023. Oliver Rabe, State Secretary of Finance of the state government in Kiel, also proclaims: “By reducing office space, we are taking an important step towards creating optimized and sustainable office concepts in our properties and also offering the opportunity to work in a more flexible and modern way.”

Smart support: Technological tools for space optimization

Modern IT solutions facilitate the efficient and needs-based implementation of space reduction in administrative authorities: The ReCoTech software enables intelligent area planning and optimal space utilization. The app also makes flexible workplace booking traceable and transparent – including comprehensive analyses and insights into operational and administrative processes.

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